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Joyfully connecting youth and families of the SMT community to each other and the love of God.  All are welcome!

Other Youth & Family Ministries

We welcome children ages 4 through 12 every Sunday (Sept-May) at 9:30am in the SMT Center (8th & Hudson).

Children are led in a Bible-based lesson using the Whirl Lectionary curriculum by our congregational members and Y+F volunteers until the worship service begins at 10:30am.  We encourage children to stay for worship, where they will hear a special children's sermon and have the chance to ask questions!

Confirmation class is a journey filled with learning, fun, community projects and summer camp under the guidance of Pastor Gary. 

For more information, contact Pastor Gary:

  • Baptism

  • Cradle Roll (birth to age 5), including the Frolic Newsletter

  • Rally Day Wiffle Ball Game and Picnic Lunch

  • Fully-Staged Christmas Pageant

  • Children's Sermons and Worship Jobs

  • First Communion Class

  • Vacation Bible School 

  • ELCA Youth Assembly

  • Cross Roads Camp

  • Campus Ministry at Stevens Institute of Technology

  • “After bedtime” Contemplative Yoga and Meditation 

  • And more!

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Our Y+F Mission

The SMT Youth and Family mission statement is:


Joyfully connecting youth and families to the love of God and each other.


We work toward these goals both with traditional Christian education as well as innovating strategies — offering nurture, rest, and connect — specific to the needs of our congregation (and larger community).


As Pastor Gary says, Christ’s love is shown to us by the love we show to one another. Even beyond official “kid” events, children are WELCOME in every aspect of worship and the life of this SMT community. Pastor Gary, Music Minister Matt, all of the lay leaders, and congregants are endlessly willing to share their time and talents, folding the children into their activities, such as lighting altar candles, baking Communion bread, making copies, arranging flowers, or playing the chimes. Big or small, the kids are always invited to participate. Love shines in both our large-scale “official” Y+F events as well as in personal, spur of the moment interactions.


For your family’s comfort and enjoyment, we also offer SMT “busy boxes” and illustrated children’s Bibles at the back of the sanctuary as well as a fully-stocked and refreshed Nursery space in the Parish Hall. All are welcome, and we want every family to feel at home in worship.

Our goal is to give everyone in your family (adults and kids alike) the space they need to be recharged and happy coming to church.

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Sunday School

St. Matthew Trinity Lutheran Church is a compassionate community that invites all people to experience God’s grace through faith, service, music, and teaching.

We envision a world where all people are fed, brought into community, and experience the wideness of God’s compassion.


8th & Hudson Streets

Hoboken, NJ 07030

Google Map

Tel. 201-659-4499


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© 2020. St. Matthew Trinity Lutheran Church - Where Tradition & Inclusivity Meet Since 1858.

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