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Music that reaches back hundreds of years with songs and words by which Christians have identified themselves

and each other for 2,000 years.

Meet Our Music Minister

Matthew Hummel is the Music Minister at St. Matthew Trinity. He is a native of Mount Union, Pennsylvania. Growing up his teacher in organ and piano was Mrs. Beverly Tilson, an organist at First United Methodist Church in Mount Union. While attending St. Vincent College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania Matthew continued his organ studies with Rev. Cyprian Constatine, O.S.B. After college, Matthew was the music director at St. Alban's Anglican Church in Murrysville, Pennsylvania and took private lessons with Sr. Cynthia A Pock, n/OLF, AAGO. In 2013 Matthew relocated to Columbus, Ohio and was organist at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Newark, Ohio for the last 6 and 1/2 years. Matthew lives in the West Village and works as a project manager in Manhattan for the Girl Scouts of the USA.

Matt enjoys playing pieces that he knows a congregation loves. "I think the church year/calendar provides amazing opportunities for a wide range of styles, composers and hymns." He counts Bach, Paul Manz, Hugo Distler and Carl Schalk as some of his favorite composers and on his Spotify, you can find Pop, Country, Acoustic, EDM, Synthpop and Indie Rock.

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As we celebrate in word, prayer and song the Liturgy of Word and Sacrament with music that reaches back hundreds of years and continues the tradition right up to today.


Our choir members are volunteers and they rehearse each Sunday after the liturgy and sing twice a month as well as all the festival days. Anyone is invited to join.


Interested in singing?

Contact Matthew Hummel, Minister of Music at

Join Us
Pipe Organ

If you stand in the middle aisle with your back to the altar and look up into the choir loft, you will see the jewel of the church. It is our historic pipe organ, built in 1877 by George Jardine & Son organ company in Manhattan and original with the building.


Donated by the Women’s Club, the instrument consists of 26 ranks of pipes and almost 1,600 pipes that range in height of just a few inches to 16 feet with a casing built of walnut and oak. It is totally mechanical except for the air blower, which provides the wind. The organ is like a big orchestra, mimicking 28 different instruments [listen on YouTube].

How can I help

At the left of the altar is our historic concert grand Steinway & Sons piano built in 1884. Both the organ and piano form the foundation of song and music for our worship as well as our extensive music program of afternoon and evening concerts.


Steinway Piano
Martin Luther
a Composer

“My heart, which is so full to overflowing, has often been solaced and refreshed by music when sick and weary.”


Martin Luther (1483-1548) was not only a theologian and a reformer, he was also a musician and a composer.


In the reform of the liturgy, he gave community singing a renewed role. He composed about thirty chorales, and, with other musicians, a hymn book. He asked that singing be taught in schools.

The role Luther wanted music to have contributed to the incredible development of this art in German speaking countries.

Music of

Worship at St Matthew Trinity is an expression of the unity of our church - the people of God - and its continuity with Christians across the ages. We continue in our liturgies the gestures, songs, and words by which Christians have identified themselves and each other for two thousand years.


Watch our former Music Director Richard Brode, may he rest in peace, play the 1877 Jardine Organ


St. Matthew Trinity Lutheran Church is a compassionate community that invites all people to experience God’s grace through faith, service, music, and teaching.


We envision a world where all people are fed, brought into community, and experience the wideness of God’s compassion.


8th & Hudson Streets

Hoboken, NJ 07030

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Tel. 201-659-4499



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© 2020. St. Matthew Trinity Lutheran Church - Where Tradition & Inclusivity Meet Since 1858.

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